Survey of 30,000 U.S. workers Say Work-From-Home To Rise From 5% To 20%
Bisnow reported today on a Stanford and Hoover Institution working paper titled ‘Why Working From Home Will Stick’ ‘that the amount of work undertaken from home in the U.S. will rise from about 5% before the pandemic to about 20% after the pandemic. They surveyed 30,000 U.S. workers multiple times and asked them to report on how much they were working from home and how productive they were. They predict this will provide a 4.6% productivity boost for the economy. That will come because workers will spend about 435 million fewer hours commuting each month, and they estimate about a third of that time will be given to work, giving a productivity boost. On top of that, the paper argued that for some workers doing some tasks, working at home is more productive than being in an office, and combined with the time save commuting, the U.S. will get that nearly 5% bump in productivity.’ Yes, I know there are a number of job functions what are best done in the office versus home, and collaboration, mentoring, company culture and other factors also suggest there are many benfits to being in the office. Still, if companies can save on office expense, boost productivity and have happier employees all at the same time…