First off, I am in no way an expert in this but just an office broker who has spent many decades representing office tenants in their space needs. However, I have been doing a lot of reading and researching. If your building has openable windows, great, let the outside fresh air in. Most newer buildings are sealed, as this is more efficient and cost effective, so you don’t have windows that open. Also, when the outside air is 80 degrees or hotter you may not want to heat your inside air if you have air conditioning. I met yesterday with an HVAC expert who highly recommends ultraviolet Germicidal lights to clean the air. This is a relatively inexpensive way to kill the virus as the air circulates through your system. My guy said it might only take 100 watts so the power required for the UV light is minimal. I went on line and there were systems in the $2,000 range, but I am not sure how many are needed for what size system, how many floors or zones, one huge HVAC system or multiple rooftop package units, etc. There are also articles suggesting increasing the air flow so it circulates much more frequently. Others have recommended stronger filters, but caution that the wrong filter might cause damage to your system if it has to work too hard to get the air through the filters. I would suspect that if UVGI systems are proven effective at killing or dramatically reducing the presence of Covad-19 there will be a frenzy by office building owners and their vendors to purchase these, resulting in shortages and long lead times until the manufacturing can ramp up again.
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