91May 9, 2023
Artificial intelligence in camera-based security may be dramatically changing crime deterrence. Surveillance cameras are not just motion-detectors but with integrated AI algorithms they can detect intruders and appropriately set off lights, voice warnings, shrieking sirens, and trigger immediate reporting to guards or managers and allowing engagement directly with the intruder over the camera and speakers….Read More→
92May 8, 2023
FacilityExecutive Magazine April 2023 had a sobering prescription for corporate real estate executives faced with excess office space, employees not expected to return to the office, a looming recession and in general no expectations that the vacant space will be occupied anytime soon. “To begin with everything must be on the table: Restack office space,…Read More→
93May 3, 2023
Lyft recently mandated that all employees must work in the office Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, with Tuesdays recommended. They will also be allowed to work remotely one month each year, and those living too far from offices are not required to come in. Many call centers have remote workers, and some have begun to make…Read More→
94Apr 24, 2023
According to a recent study by The Instant Group and The Urban Land Institute, 82% of office landlords expect a slight to significant reduction in space utilization over the next five years. Bisnow April 24, 2023 “he survey also found a disconnect between landlords and tenants when it comes to office amenities. Landlords said…Read More→
95Apr 18, 2023
Bisnow April 17, 2023 reported that while March 2022 President Biden said ‘in his State of the Union address that the vast majority of federal workers would soon return to the office…that didn’t happen last year, and the process has not always gone smoothly.” There have been federal agencies who mandated that all employees return…Read More→
96Apr 14, 2023
It is hard to believe that during the past twelve months at one point the price of a share of First Republic Bank stock was $171! Today it is $13/share! Before the pandemic San Francisco office buildings were selling for $800-1,200/rsf and considered among the best investments in the world. From the SF Business Times…Read More→
97Apr 13, 2023
The Colliers U.S. Capital Markets report just out stated that in 2021 there were 10.9 billion in distressed commercial real estate sales, decreasing to $7.9 billion in 2022, and ‘Since 2016, distress has accounted for 1.4% of volume on average. Distress peaked in 2010 at 18.7% of volume. Absolute distress sales peaked in 2011 at…Read More→
98Mar 27, 2023
Nicole Goodkind of CNN wrote in an article headlined “Commercial real Estate Is In trouble. Why you should be paying attention”, that office and retail property valuations have been falling sine the pandemic brought about lower occupancy rates and changes where people work and how they shop. The Fed’s efforts to fight inflation by raising…Read More→
99Mar 24, 2023
Laura Waxman, reporter for the SF Business Times, wrote yesterday that investors who purchased office buildings prior to 2020 paid top dollar. I remember prices of $800-1000 per square foot or more announced back in the good old days before the pandemic hit. “Companies paid top dollar for amenity-rich workplaces designed to keep employees both…Read More→
100Mar 23, 2023
“Research by the Urban Land Institute and The Instant Group showed that almost all office occupies plan to rethink their property needs…the analysis-Bridging the occupier-landlord gap for the future of workspace-suggested office users are still pondering what activity-based workplaces, flexible working and hybrid working patterns mean. The report’s authors spoke to 285 office occupiers, landlords…Read More→
101Mar 21, 2023
Statistics just out today by the awesome Colliers Research Department shows that the I-680 Corridor (Danville up to Martinez, and Orinda to Walnut Creek) has a direct vacancy of only 16% and when you include sublease office space, 17.6%. This ranges from a low in Danville of 7.7% to a high at the Pleasant Hill…Read More→
102Mar 16, 2023
Bisnow reportedt that the infection of the recent Silicon Valley Bank failure as also hit the REIT sector, with the U. S. largest REIT, Boston Properties, losing 14% of its value since last Thursday and Alexandria Real Estate Equities, the biggest life scient landlord, losing 12% of its value, according to Bisnow. Several of the…Read More→
103Mar 6, 2023
Salesforce Just Put 125,000 sf of excess office space on the San Francisco market. According to one report I read, this puts the total of Salesforce San Francisco downsizing to one million square feet. Meanwhile its profits are going through the roof, with sales up 14% year-over-year and net profit at $23 Billion! Guidewire just…Read More→
104Feb 22, 2023
Between 2029 and 2022, according to the SF Business Times, the share of workers living near its office locations fell, with the largest drop of 70% occurring in San Francisco, followed by New York, Washington D.C. and Chicago falling by 67%, with the number of Yelp workers living in Florida and Texas going up…Read More→
105Jan 25, 2023
Twitter Being Sued For Not Paying Almost $7 million in Rent On SF Headquarters. Square sublet 78,000 sf of Downtown Oakland office space to Callisto in 2021 but now Callisto has put their space on the sublease of a sublease market. The total office vacancy in the Oakland office CBD market ranges from 18-25% depending…Read More→
106Jan 17, 2023
Janet Pogue McLaurin with Gensler, one of the nation’s gurus on predicting the future of corporate office layouts, functionality, and many other nuances of the office environment, wrote an article illustrating the key findings of a recent Gensler survey of CoreNet Global end users. ”Respondents rated the space effectiveness for each of the five…Read More→
107Jan 16, 2023
Two commercial real estate stories caught my eye in the January 12th, 2023 Bisnow daily newsletter. I think they are just warning signs of what might be coming throughout 2023 and beyond. A few weeks ago I blogged that a number of major banks were unloading at a discount office building loans, and that in…Read More→
108Jan 13, 2023
“The Bay Area was ranked first on a list of 10 markets that lenders are most concerned about in terms of performance in 2023, according to a report released by real estate firm CBRE this month. Phoenix and Portland rank No. 2 and 3, respectively, with Western markets Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Portland…Read More→
109Jan 6, 2023
I opened my daily Bisnow.com newsletter and the headlines blew me away. At the top was “Bed Bath & Beyond With 950 Stores Nationwide, Facing Bankruptcy”, and below this was “Salesforce To Exit Office Space, Slash Workforce 10%”, but if this weren’t enough the next headline read ‘Amazon Ups Layoffs To 18,000”
110Jan 3, 2023
Bisnow Dumber 16, 2022 “More than 71% of corporate real estate professionals say they expect hybrid work to result in space demand reductions of at least 20%, according to a survey from Colliers and CoreNet Global. Almost 19% expect that demand to shrink by 40% or more, while just 7% believe that the move to…Read More→
111Dec 22, 2022
Hilco Real Estate Senior Vice President Steve Madura, who specializes in distressed assets, forecasts that $500 billion of commercial mortgage loans coming due over the next few years will lead ‘likely lead to a high demand for’ his services. “The combination of rising interest rates and a basically frozen capital market has created what Madura…Read More→
112Dec 19, 2022
Bisnow Dec. 16, 2022 “Hybrid work plans are starting to become set in stone across more of corporate America, and as more companies finalize their policies, how much office space they are going to cut from their footprints is becoming clearer. More than 71% of corporate real estate professionals say they expect hybrid work to result in…Read More→
113Dec 15, 2022
At the Bisnow December 8, 2022 D.C. Region Finance and Deal-Makers Summit, major commercial real estate lenders discussed how they are dealing with the current turbulent times. “The pullback is happening across all asset classes, given how this year’s sharp rise in interest rates has dramatically altered the math for new deals. But Ekeroth, Regional Director with Northwestern…Read More→
114Dec 14, 2022
According to a new survey by Clarify Capital and reported by SF Business Times December 12, 2022, “The survey found about 68% of those working remotely would prefer to look for a new job with remote options if forced to return. About 27% would try to negotiate a higher salary instead of searching for a…Read More→
115Dec 7, 2022
Bisnow December 6, 2022: “In an effort to entice employees back into the office, companies have ramped up digestible perks like beverages and food, but a recent survey conducted by proptech firm Essensys indicated that employees don’t care about snacks or other frivolous amenities — they want better technology and flexible workstations. Of the 1,000 U.S. workers the…Read More→
116Dec 6, 2022
In The SFRegistry December 2, 2022, Marc Benioff, founder and CEO of Salesforce said this: “There’s a lot of things pre-pandemic that we had in our company that are expenses that we don’t need post-pandemic,” Benioff stated. “So before the pandemic, the percentage of remote workers for Salesforce was approximately 20 percent. For other companies…Read More→
117Dec 5, 2022
In a BisNow article published November 17, 2022, “Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed plan to improve or expand their existing occupancy, Many are also implementing new procedures or technologies to help manage the shifting flor of employees into the office. Although hybrid work schedules are now the norm for 70% of workers, only one-third of…Read More→
119Nov 21, 2022
Texas Instruments just signed a lease for 210,000 square feet at Santa Clara’s Great American Commons, Exelixis signed for 100,000 at The Loop in Alameda’s Harbor Bay, and Convene signed for 65,000 square feet of office space at 100 Stockton St. in San Francisco.
120Nov 17, 2022
Credit for this statement goes to Jessica Pernicone, principal at JLL. “There is a certain amount of productivity you can get from being at home when you have heads-down deep work. However, if that’s not what your job requires all the time there are feelings of isolation and people start to feel disconnected from their…Read More→
121Nov 14, 2022
Barclays Capital, Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank and possibly other major lenders are reportedly looking to sell office building loans in major cities like New York to reduce their exposure. Bisnow on November 11, 2022 said “Lenders are reportedly focused on unloading office loans in their portfolio because they have been hit hardest by the pandemic and…Read More→
122Nov 10, 2022
Joseph Gordon with Bisnow wrote on November 8, 2022 that according to a number of sources, new office leases showed 18% fewer deals as compared to Q3 2021, and 15% less than Q3 2019. The average size of the deal also went down 16% in 2022 as compared to 2019. Leases are also getting shorter…Read More→
123Nov 8, 2022
THEREGISTRY November 4, 2022, Cresa reported that Bay Area leasing activity to date remains 50.2 percent below 2019 levels during the same timeframe and in the last year, 3.6 million square feet of direct space has been added to landlords availability. There is demand for trophy office space in San Francisco, upper floors with…Read More→
124Oct 27, 2022
Between 2018 and 2021, 352 Corporate headquarters have left California. The three top relocation destinations were Texas, Tennesee and Nevada. The main reasons given for thir exodus include California’s high taxes, the cost of living, the heavy regulations and the legal environment. Of the 153 that left just last year, 80 dwere from Los Angeles,…Read More→
125Oct 20, 2022
The CIM Group out of Los Angeles had plans for a 1.1 million square foot office tower in downtown Oakland, but is now proposing a 487 foot tower to build 600 residential units. This would be the tallest building in Oakland. According to CoStar News, “While to pivot is a boost of momentum for…Read More→
127Oct 7, 2022
Reported in the San Francisco Business Times 9/29/22, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Jamie Dimon suggested that those who come to the office every day will be getting the better assignments versus those who work remotely or only come in occasionally. But, “The Survey job site Monster found most workers would quit their…Read More→
128Oct 4, 2022
San Francisco office vacancy, according to a number of reports, is in the22% range, but when you include occupied space that is available this figure increases to almost 30%. With two million square feet of office sublease space in leases that expire by the end of 2023, this space may go back to the landlords….Read More→
129Sep 30, 2022
“Is San Francisco’s CRE Market On the Verge Of Collapse? MyEListing.com, a Texas-based commercial real estate marketplace, has published a report based on San Francisco data, and it paints a picture of a seriously struggling office market. The pandemic-driven “work-from-home” model appears to be taking permanent hold in The City by the Bay. With…Read More→
130Sep 23, 2022
Manufacturing has been well aware of cybersecurity risks for years, and remember last year when one of the largest meat processors was shut down due to getting hacked, costing them millions in downtown and ransom? With so much of major office building technology going into the cloud and The Internet of Things (IoT) now connecting…Read More→
131Sep 9, 2022
BizNews 9/6/22 had a great quote that to me sums up the dilemma many corporate executives are now facing. “What is the purpose of an office?” said Matthew Saxon, Zoom’s chief people officer. “It’ll be different for different companies, but one of the things I think this huge experience we’ve all been a part of…Read More→
132Sep 8, 2022
It is probably something most of us don’t even want to think about now. However, many corporate leaders already have emergency contingency plans for what to do in case of a fire, earthquake, flood, power outage, or other natural disaster and unfortunately Covid has now been added to the list. Buildings magazine July 2022…Read More→
133Sep 6, 2022
The SF Business Times August 28, 2022 reported “The owners of nine San Francisco properties assessed at more than $100 million are scheduled to appear before a city board to reduce their assessments be cut in half”. They claim that the pandemic impact in 2021 dramatically affected their property values. I added up the…Read More→
134Sep 1, 2022
Recent surveys have supported allowing pets in the office will increase workers returning to the office. about 71% of employees said their employer made changes to its workplace pet policies within the last year. Those sorts of changes can help employee retention and satisfaction, with about 86% of employees surveyed saying they would look forward…Read More→
135Aug 30, 2022
The San Francisco Business Times on August 26, 2022 reported “that of the 25 startups on Forbes ‘Net Billion Dollar Startups 2022’ list 12 of them are Bay Area companies. So go ahead and move to less-costly areas like Boise or Oklahoma and try to raise millions or hundreds of millions for your next…Read More→